How lucky are we that readers actually miss us when we're gone? And miss our recipes? We've gotten special requests for more tomato recipes—one request came from a local friend while we were up to our necks in the lake and another came all the way from a friend in Oklahoma, where the tomato harvest is probably almost over (while ours has barely begun).
We're honored that friends—far and near—care! Thank you!
Fortunately, we've been eager to share one of our favorite recipes. This is the week when we finally finally finally got a whole bowlful of Sungold tomatoes, which means we immediately put on the water for pasta.
This recipe comes from an Alice Waters book
So from our hearts (and my memory) to your table...
Sungold Tomato Pasta
Halve as many Sungold tomatoes as you can get your hands on (four or five or six cups). Marinate them in a cup of really great-tasting extra-virgin olive oil and enough red wine vinegar to suit your palate. Add a grinding of black pepper (liberally) and sprinkle on salt to satisfy. Let that rest while you...
...toast a cup-and-a-half (or so) of homemade bread crumbs and...
...boil up your pasta, out of a box or freshly made. We like spaghetti or spaghettini for this recipe.
Just before the pasta is ready, add your tomatoes to a deep skillet and set the flame to a gentle hum. The juices may start to simmer but don't let it simmer long. You just want to warm the tomatoes and get them ready to melt only when you eat them.
Drain the noodles and then tip as many as will fit into the deep skillet. But be gentle with the tomatoes. The beauty of this dish is that the tomatoes melt on your tongue—and not before! Load into a spacious bowl and sprinkle with the toasted breadcrumbs and a huge handful of torn basil leaves.
Enjoy! We enjoyed ours so much last night that I didn't even grab a photo. You'll have to take our word on this: It was a beautiful sight. And the way it tasted was pure Sungold art.