Wednesday, May 12, 2010

If you were a girl who really really really wanted a goat...

by June

If you were a girl (or two) who really really really wanted a goat (or two), you would start a little business selling eggs. You would go out twice a day -- rain, snow, or shine -- and you would pamper your hens because happy hens lay lots of eggs.

You would call your business Daisy Family Eggs, and you would make little labels for the egg cartons. You would ask all your friends if they wanted to donate to your cause in exchange for farm-fresh eggs from happy hens.

You would faithfully collect the eggs from the nesting boxes and wash them -- even when they were extremely poop-covered. When you squabbled with your sister about who had to wash the most poop-covered eggs, you would sit down and write out an egg-washing policy that involved flipping a coin to see who got to choose the first four eggs, then alternating every four eggs after that and keeping track from day to day. Happy hens must have happy keepers.

You would track how many eggs went out and how much money came in using a ledger designed especially for you by your grandfather. You would open all Valentine cards with one eager thought: How much can I add to the goat fund? When you were doing your history lesson, you would hear about the Virginia Company and that would make you ask questions about stocks, and you would find out about something called the stock market. You would insist upon trying the stock market out for yourself and would invest birthday money from last year. You would do research and choose your own penny stocks based on things you like (Google and Apple computers), and you would watch your stocks tick up and down and up and down. You would cheer when it was up. You would pout when it was down.

You would count your money often. You would balance your ledger carefully. You would check out the Nigerian dwarf goat farms online that were showing off their newborn goats. You would ask your mama, Is this farm close to us? Is this one?

You would get your daddy to stop by one of the farms. You would meet two baby does there. You would fall in love. The next day, you would go back with a one-hundred-dollar bill as a deposit for those twin baby goats. You would name them Buttercup and Clover. You would hold them and smile and wish you could take them home right that minute.

You would. And you did.

In June, Buttercup and Clover will be coming home to live with two girls who really really really wanted a goat (or two).


Blossom said...

They are so sweet!

Fern said...

So so sooo cute! Soon they will be ours!

Magnolia Handspun said...
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Magnolia Handspun said...

Congratulations Blossom & Fern, so well deserved!
I bet they are so excited to come home and be loved by you.

(Good greif June, they are so cute!)

Conny said...

Yaaaay!!! Finally! I'm so excited for your girls. I remember you posting about this; it seems so so long ago. The day (or in this case, month) has finally arrived. I bet everyone is beside themselves over the new arrivals. Three cheers!!!

The Cutting Edge of Ordinary said...

Yeahhhhh for goats! Yeah for Blossom & Fern for collecting eggs, and washing off the poop, and saving for such an adorable pair of babies! I can't wait to read all about Buttercup & Clovers adventures! Love and hugs from you friend in RI.

Wren said...

Holy Moly!!! FANTASTIC GIRLS!! Hip hip hooray..and congratulations!! Can't wait to see more... yoo-hoo!!!!!

Laurie said...

Oh my goodness, they're cute! Good job, Blossom and Fern!

Laura at By the Bushel said...

wow that's wonderful! they are so sweet--!

Heather said...

That is the best story ever! I love Buttercup and Clover and know you're girls will too. Pygmies are the most fun (right up there with mini donkeys). Congrats on the addition to the farm~

Sharon said...

OH! That is WONDERFUL! How very, very great.

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

I am soooooo proud of the girls! Yay for them...and what ADorABlE babies! Can;t wait to hear more :-)

inadvertent farmer said...

Oh a story with a perfect ending...good job girls! You should be very proud of yourselves, enjoy your new little ones! Kim

Anonymous said...

I'm very happy that my girls are now your girls, and I know they are happy too. Kem

Pansy said...

Oh! they are so cute!!!

Laura A said...

Congratulations! Those a some hard-earned goats, and you learned a lot along the way. The victory is sweeter that way, you know ;-). Enjoy!

Unknown said...

Yay for the girls!!! Congratulations!! And those are two of the cutest goats I've ever seen!

Toni said...


tom | tall clover farm said...

What lovely names for your new additions, Clover and Buttercup! I liked the beginning of this story and I loved the ending, wait a sec; this is not the ending, this is a whole new chapter, and we are going to be privy to many great stories...make that great goat stories. Congratulations!

farmama said...

Dear June,
I'm so excited for you and your family. I know you've wanted goats for a long time! We just sold our Nubians and got some Nigerian Dwarf goats. They're so perfect for children to handle! Congratulations to you all!
love (all the way) from Colorado,

Tania said...

OH OH OH what GOOD news awaited me today when I checked in on Four Green Acres!

I am so happy!!

And full of goat-envy. My day will come!!!

Oh yay for these four who will grow together!

Tania, smiling so big

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